I Scream, You Scream We All Scream for Popsicles! Ok LA holy heat wave we have been having! I actually even wore shorts to work yesterday... honestly i think for the first time in the 6 years i have worked here... It must be hot outside. Anyway, this heatwave has got me thinking a lot about ways to stay cool and what better way than a yummy healthy POPSICLE! So I have decided to do my own version of a "Popsicle Roundup" of some of my favorite DIY Popsicle recipes around the web in hopes to get creative this weekend and break one out! You may be asking yourself "Why would I want to make my own Popsicle?" Well let me answer that for you... Licking a cool storebought Popsicle on a hot day may seem harmless, especially since many brands say that their frozen treats are made with real fruit juice. But don’t be fooled by their claims to be a healthy treat; most popsicles have an extremely high sugar content and also contain artificial coloring dye, which is carcinogenic. Can you say EWWWW ?!!!! Not to mention that making your own Popsicles is waaaay cheaper and you can actually control the ingredients. It is amazingly difficult to find a Popsicle in the store made from just fruit or fruit juice.

DIY Popsicle Roundup:

Peace Love and Stay Cool!
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