Happy Friday Everyone! I hope everyone has something to look
forward to this weekend… Me, I just look forward to the weekend in general,
plans or no plans… Something else I always look forward to are holidays. I truly love
any reason I can find to celebrate… I mean why not, right?! And who better to look to for something to celebrate
than trusty ol’ Hallmark, that’s what they do isn’t it… Help us celebrate life moments! So while perusing Hallmarks Ultimate Holiday site earlier this week I came across something we can all celebrate this
weekend as this coming Saturday, August 11th is National Play in the
Sand Day! (not sure why I'm capitalizing that… just seems like the appropriate thing
to do) Some of my best childhood memories were made playing in the sand and I'm
also pretty sure about 90% of the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches I ate near
the beach or on a park bench as a kid contained thousands of grains of sand. From
playing in the sandbox at an age too early for me to recall to all the sand
filled arts and crafts I made throughout my years as a Girl Scout, and even
once winning the Crown Memorial Beach Sculpture and Sand Castle Contest when I was about 10… my memories of playing in the sand are
something I will always carry with me. So while I'm not sure I will actually be
playing in the sand this weekend I will remain hopeful that all of you who are within
an arms reach of a sand box, beach, sand dune or what have you, will take full
advantage of this chance to celebrate and will enjoy National Play in the Sand
Day! Below are 10 pinterest pics of suggested sandy activities to celebrate this holiday!
1.) Go for a run in the sand
2.) Play beach volleyball in the sand
3.) Build a sand castle
4.) Take a nap in the sand
5.) Do some yoga in the sand
6.) Create your own beach fort in the sand
7.) Collect shells from the sand
8.) Hang with friends in the sand
9.) Fly a kite in the sand
10.) Just as you do every day in life... Leave your footprints in the sand
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