Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Its 12-12-12! For some people its just another Wednesday in just another December in just another year... but today is the last of the great repeating dates we will see in our lifetime and our last chance to get excited about a date like this for many years to come. While many are commemorating about this magical date, I have put together a little list with the help of my good friend google of 12 notable 12's in our life's followed by a dozen things to be in the know about on 12-12-12... 

12 Notable 12's
12 Months in a year
12 Inches in a foot
12 Conference members in the Pac-12
12 Signs of the Zodiac
12 Dialing keys on a telephone (including * & #)
12 Golden yellow stars on the flag of Europe
12 Men have walked on the moon
12 apostles of Jesus
12 Makes a dozen
12 Face cards in a deck
12 Steps in Alcoholics Anonymous

12-12-12 In the Know
  • Alabama teenager Kiam Moriya turns 12 at 12:12 on 12-12. —
  • Pope Benedict XVI has opened a personal Twitter account, and he is scheduled to answer a question about faith in his first tweet, scheduled for 12-12-12, according to Vatican officials. — CNN belief blog
  • Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers wears No. 12. "So earlier this year the state Legislature designated the day [12-12-12] Aaron Rodgers Day in honor of the Super Bowl winner and last year’s MVP." — The Washington Post
  • Such numerical happenings as 12-12-12 spook some people while enthralling others. Some see the tick, tick, ticking of the calendar as magical or especially lucky.
  • Check out the NY Times content-free fluff piece which strives to assign some significant meaning to the arbitrary assembly of numbers. 
  • The Ancient Mayan calendar speaks of 12-12-2012 as the end of times as we know it.
  • After today, there won't be another triple date to match until Jan. 1, 2101. 
  • I think its a nice tie-in for publishing my post on 12-12-12 at precisely 12.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Brown Paper Packages Tied Up With String...

This might sound silly, but one of my favorite parts about the holidays is picking out the perfect gift wrap. There is just something about a present when it is wrapped up all pretty like and topped with a bow that makes whats inside seem so much more thoughtful! A gift from the heart is the best gift you can give... Gift tags, bakers twine, washi tape and pretty ribbons are so fun to get creative with this time of year! Here are some of my favorite paper essentials which will help make my holidays a wrap!
{simply luv!}
{i think craft paper is the way to go this year!}
{Whats black and white and read all over? holiday recycling at its finest, love this!}

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

always on the go. day tripper

this past weekend is the first time i have spent a friday night home, alone, with next to nothing to worry about and it felt pretty darn amazing too! As of lately i feel as if i am always on the go. Dont get em wrong, i thrive off of kepping busy but sometimes i just want to curl up with messy bun and cozy socks and slip away from it all... this about sums it up.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

CityThink: What LA is Obsessed with this Month...

What is LA obsessed with this month... The Sodastream and it looks like it got a little makeover! Its a thing! And I'm proud to own one. In this months issue of Los Angeles Magazine, the Soda Stream is featured along side Jesus Christ, Supreme Meme  (click here if you don't know who I'm talking about) on the CithyThink Buzz page as the product L.A. is obsessed with this month. Took ya long enough LA, I love my soda stream! While the fabulous bubble making gadget that resides on my kitchen counter top isn't as aesthetically pleasing as the one Anglenos are said to be obsessing over, it serves the same purpose and that purpose being to add carbonation to just about any liquid, from DIY soda water (a personal fave) to fancy smanchy drinks.  One CO2 cylinder (refills for $15) will carbonate about 60 liters of water. Having owned the soda stream for just under a year now her are just a few of my observations in regards to this killer kitchen gadget:

  • It carbonates water really well!  
  • Its environmentally friendly (just think no more cans and bottels)
  • Its easy to use & reasonably priced
  • The "diet cola" almost tastes like the real deal
  • There is a great selection of soda flavors and they don't contain any high-fructose corn syrup and the diet flavors are sweetened with Splenda and not aspartame.
Aside from making your own soda for about .25 cents a litre, investing in your own sodastream also give you the chance to reduce your carbon footprint. And with the holidays right around the corner, now is the perfect chance to add one to your wish list... Sodastream swoon!