Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sick & Tired of The Sick & Tired: Happy People Don’t Complain

Do you ever notice that the happy people in your life really kinda just don’t complain…. And the unhappy people are constantly bitching and complain or dwelling on questions like  “how do I change my life”, “where do I start my changing” or “what do I do first?”, but really its about them finding the will/want to change. In other words, what do we do when we know we want to make changes, we know there are so many things we can do better and improve upon, but sometimes need a bit of a nudge to get there? And some of us so much more so than others… Forgive me in advance {and this doesn’t mean im unhappy} but, I'm going to complain for a second because I’m sick and tired of being around people who are unhappy with how things are going in their life and having to constantly hear them complain about it!

Do you find yourself or sometimes people you surround yourself with continually complaining about...everything? "I hate the way I look in these jeans", "I wish I could quit my job and do what I love", "I'm tired of being single", "If I had the money, I would go on a vacation". Sound familiar? These are just a few of the things that we complain about all the time - but how many of us are actually willing to do something to change them? Truth be told, you will never look good in those jeans if you don’t want to work to…. there’s no magic pile of money waiting for you with no effort required so that vaycay you're dreaming about, well you can Fugetaboutit! And you wanna quit your job… well, your job, as lousy as it may seem is someone else’s dream job… trust me And if you cant love yourself how do you ever expect anyone else to… As harsh as my words may seem {and don’t go complaining about them or anything } the true beauty of all of the things I mentioned above - weight issues, career, relationships, finances - are all things that can, with a little work, be changed - we just need to find and possess the will to do so. If you hate the way you look - start to change how you eat {skip that grade burrito} and get some physical activity in {and you can check in on Facebook at your local 24 all day long but only YOU knows if you’re working as hard as you could or should be}. If you don't like your job - find another one or set your sites on doing so, and hopefully what comes your way next will be something you love. Remember it's easier to find a job when you already have one. If you're tired of being single - put yourself out there, join a dating site, be open to the possibilities, date and STOP being negative! If your finances aren't in order - reflect on your current spending and figure out a way for you to start saving more. Sure none of these things can happen over night - but change can happen...if you're willing to work hard to change it.

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