Tuesday, May 10, 2011

pulling the Facebook App plug...

yes, you are correct! i am pulling the plug on facbook, for a while... the app that is.  i have officially deleted the app on my iPhone! if i stop using facebook so often then i wont need it so much. im no math whiz, im actually far from it, but it doesn’t take a avid number cruncher to see what’s wrong with the stats i recently came across in a CNN article. this article featured the how and why we should all embark on a facebook detox, "by our math, the average user is logging a little more than 45 minutes on Facebook a day..." with this slightly horrifying stat i have made my decision to start by pulling the plug on good ol' fb by deleting the iPhone app. this decision is an attempt... this is me merely making an effort to take those 45 mins a day i potentially/statistically spend on fb and allocate them elsewhere in my life, possibly exercising or reading or wait for it... communicating by talking to a friend on the phone. CNN says that if i cut that 45 mins a day to even just 15... poof! Like magic, 3.5 hours emerge each week to enjoy the spring -- to play on a playground, soak up the sunshine and run around on the grass! And yes, CNN is also right on that i cant stop the churning tides of new technology, but i can decide exactly how much time to devote to staring at glowing screens... adios FaceBook iPhone app! hello TBD...

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